Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Expressing the Infinite

A language possesses utility only insofar as it can construct conventional boundaries. A language of no boundaries is no language at all, and thus the mystic who tries to speak logically and formally of unity consciousness is doomed to sound very paradoxical or contradictory. The problem is that the structure of any language cannot grasp the nature of unity consciousness, any more than a fork could grasp the ocean.

Ken Wilber, Philosopher


Metaphysics of the Infinite

Zero and the infinite are two sides of the same coin. The utlimate reality includes all, and is made up of nothing. Enlightenment is finite disolving into the infinite, either by becoming nothing or by becoming everything.

Small self belongs to the finite. No self belongs to the infinite.

So how can one reach the infinite?

There are two paths. One can become smaller and smaller and simply disappear into nothingness. This is the approach of Zen, which through insight negates all identification in order to experience the ultimate nothingness or nirvana.

Or one can expand oneself and become bigger and bigger, until one loses all identification with anything smaller than the infinite. This is the approach of christianity, which through love can make one infinite and experience I AM everywhere.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Mathematics of GOD

The mathematics of GOD is based upon three premises.

Premise 1: Existence is Infinite
Premise 2: The total Joy and Pain in existence are equal and opposite
Premise 3: GOD experiences infinite joy

Let the word Joy signify all positive states of being (like love, happiness, bliss, etc.), and the word Pain signify all negative states of being (like fear, anxiety, suffering, etc.). Under the above three premises, consider two types of existences.

Under existence A, God and Devil exist as equal and opposite. Though, both are infinite, God experiences infinite joy, and Devil experience infinite pain. However, such an existence would be devoid of any compassion for the devil, who would suffer eternally.

Under existence B, the infinite universe is made up of time, space, and other dimensions, in which joy and pain are distributed across infinite living beings (bacteria, plants, animals, humans, etc.) over infinite time and space. Each of these living beings experiences finite amounts of joy and pain.

Under existence B, all living beings, except GOD, on avearge experience x units of joy and x + e units of pain, where e is a very small number close to zero. For example x = 100, and e = 0.00001. Since 100 is almost the same as 100.00001, living beings on average experience almost the same amount of joy and pain. Without experiencing the pain, they could not know joy (premise 2, above), so they don't mind experiencing both in almost equal amounts.

Since the universe has infinite living beings, and since each living being on average has a deficit of e, representing a little extra pain over joy, GOD must experience infinite joy to balance out the infinite pain resulting from the product of e and infinity. This makes premise 3 consistent with premises 1 and 2, and yet no single living being experiences infinite pain under existence B.

This is the magic of GOD's mathematics. It explains how the infinite joy consciousness of GOD is created from a finite joy/pain consciousness of living beings. Under existence B, there cannot be a hell of eternal suffering (Christianity is wrong about this), as it is not needed for the existence of GOD.

Finally, as mentioned in many spiritual traditions, the inifnite living beings can get enlightened and merge into GOD.

The consciousness of the infinite living beings separated from GOD to allow the game of joy and pain.

Since, we are all GOD separated from itself, we go back to GOD, upon our enlightenment.

We as finite beings are necessary for the infinite GOD to be.