Saturday, February 16, 2008

The Sacred Union Within OneSelf

The inner and the outer worlds are reflections of each other. Similar to the outer world, the inner world is a society crowded with many small selves. The inner male and the inner female, the purpose driven mind and the loving heart...the Yin and the Yang of our fragmented selves. For many, the inner polarities are felt as opposing forces, that fragment and destroy oneself. For some this inner war becomes so violent, that it drives them insane. However, with awareness and meditation, the inner polarities start recognizing, and then slowly supporting and loving each other. As the inner male starts loving the inner female, and the inner female starts loving the inner male, an immense freedom arises within oneself. This spiritual alchemy, the sacred union within, gives birth to the Big Self.

The small self loves by filling its emptiness.

The big self loves by sharing its fullness.

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